The Keahbone Project
Faith and Fitness
On Sunday January 4, 2015 God radically changed my life. I was in the middle of preaching to my congregation at Cherokee Hills Baptist Church, when suddenly The Holy Spirit convicted my heart of my sin. A sin that I had rationalized for most of my life. Food Addiction. Food addiction in and of itself is not a sin, but the lack of discipline and self-control that come with it are. Not to mention the idolatry that manifests itself by running to food instead of God for comfort, peace, joy, happiness, approval etc. I was so convicted and so moved that I stopped the sermon and shared with my church family what God had spoken to me. I immediately confessed my sin, asked for their prayers and accountability, and began to walk in repentance.
Repentance meant that I was going to run to God, instead of food, to meet my needs. It also meant that I would find an optimal health plan and follow it. This would allow me to exercise discipline and self-control. I started this journey weighing in at 391 lbs. I am proud to praise God for how He has worked in my life! I have lost several pounds and inches, regained my health, and have a renewed walk with God.
I believe God has set me free from the most socially acceptable sin in our country. I believe He did it to set others free. If you are struggling with food addiction, please subscribe to The Keahbone Project on Youtube. The plan from start to finish is revealed in the videos. My goal is to walk you through my first year of this incredibly tough journey as an encouragement. You can have victory! God gave it to us at the cross!

Check back soon for updates on The Keahbone Project