Senior Pastor
Mike grew up in the small town of Elgin, Oklahoma. His father was a full-blood Cherokee and his mother was Comanche and Kiowa. Though he comes from a proud Native heritage, his family was ravaged by alcohol and drug addiction. As a “teenage mom,” Mike’s mother was in and out of his life and would eventually pass away at the age of 40 due to an alcohol related illness. Mike’s father was completely absent from his life.
Through all of the turmoil, pain and abandonment, there was hope. God put people in Mike’s life that would love him unconditionally and model the love of Jesus Christ for him. It was that love and example that would lead him to give his life to the Lord on November 1, 1990. It became clear to Mike that God had been with him through the storms of his life and that each and every circumstance was instrumental in shaping God’s plan for him. Mike has been called to preach the love, hope and comfort that can only come from the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Mike seeks to honor God and teach Scripture to all people. Mike combines deep and practical teaching of Scripture with relevant humor, stories, and principles for life change. God has gifted Mike with sensitivity to the Holy Spirit that leads him to understand the needs of his audience and to say exactly what they need to hear through the truth of God’s Word. He inspires to provoke a passion for Scripture in the hearts and minds of people everywhere. As Mike explains, “God has given me a clear, passionate vision to fulfill the calling of Colossians 1:28, to present everyone perfect in Christ.”
Mike currently resides in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma with his wife and three children and serves as the Senior Pastor at Cherokee Hills Baptist Church.